Simply Good Life — Money, Alcohol, and Power | Read People | Save the Food
Hi friends, here is your weekly dose of “Simply Good Life”, a newsletter that tries to make your day a little bit better and help you to grow personally and professionally. Enjoy!
Money, Alcohol, and Power
Here’s a similar quote to the one I wrote about last week.
“If you cannot be happy with what you have, nothing you ever get will make you happy” — Tim Ferriss
The interesting thing about this quote is the second part:
“Money, like alcohol and power, tend to make you more of what you already are”
Whatever we try to get more of shows who we are. But also adding more of things like money, alcohol, and power won’t change who we are but make us more of what we already are.
Read People
In my book, I wrote about reading others in every detail. Here’s a short version describing 6 tricks to read anyone’s body language in an instant.
Save the Food
Did you know that 40% of all food is wasted? The page below shows ways how to save a ton of food. On Save the Food, you can find recipes to cook with your leftovers, you can build a meal prep plan, and find a storage guide with all the tips and tricks you need to keep your food fresh (thank you recomendo for the recommendation).
Save The Food —
40% of food is wasted. Let’s save the food.
Quote I Love
“Hurt people hurt people”
Those who have been emotionally damaged tend to inflict their pain on other people. Hurt people interpret every action and every word through the prism of their pain. Because of their pain, ordinary words are often misinterpreted to mean something negative towards them.
The next time someone hurts you think about this short saying. Maybe it’ll help you to understand them better or maybe even realize that your ordinary words may have caused the reaction.
Have a fantastic day, all
PS: Discuss this issue or send me your findings in the Simply Good Life groups on WhatsApp or on Facebook.