Simply Good Life — How To Improve Your Eyesight & What’s the Best Place to Be Young?

Adam Egger
2 min readDec 22, 2017

Hi friends, Here’s a newsletter about improving the eyesight, about the solar system and the power to change anything in your life, enjoy!

What’s Important for You?

Here’s an interesting way to find out what’s important for you. Ask yourself what are the things you complain about and ask why you complain about them. These are often things that are so important for you that you are willing to actually spend time trying to improve them.

Improve Your Eyesight

I spoke with some friends about ways to improve the eyesight recently. Here’s an article that shows that it’s actually possible to improve the declining vision with some easy hacks.

6 biohacks to improve eyesight

6 Easy Biohacks to Improve Your
Is declining vision inevitable as you age? Maybe not. Check out these easy hacks you can do from home to improve your eyesight.

Best Places in The World To Be Young

The Commonwealth Secretariat researched and analysed what life is like in the five key areas for the world’s 1.8bn people between the ages of 15–29. In this report Germany has been named as the world’s best place to be a young person. See a complete list of all 183 countries they looked at here.

Emptiness Of The Solar System

This website is great, it nicely shows an accurate map of the solar system. How does it make you feel? Important or tiny?

If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel — A map of the solar system

Quote I Love

“The moment you accept total responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life is the day you claim the power to change ANYTHING in your life.” — Hal Elrod

What do you think, is Hal Elrod right? Are WE responsible for EVERYTHING in our lives? Does this way of thinking give you the power to change anything in your life? I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on this. Have a great, festive week!




Adam Egger

Helping with Innovation and Growth | Strategy and Innovation can be fun and simple | A minimalist living a good life.