Adam’s 5 Finds — How To Argue | Is Home Office Good? | Be Resilient

Adam Egger
2 min readJul 14, 2017

Hi friends,

This is the vacation edition of my weekly newsletter. We’re travelling to the most fascinating wild rivers in the southern part of France.

Enjoy the newsletter while I’m enjoying the trip :-)


How To Argue With Your Partner

It isn’t realistic to aim never to argue with our partners.
It’s far better to learn how to argue well.

Is Home Office Good For Your Business?

A Stanford GSB expert shows how companies and employees benefit from workplace flexibility.

“We found massive improvement in performance, a 13% improvement in performance from people working at home.”

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Why Working From Home Is a “Future-looking Technology” | Stanford Graduate School of

Resilience — How To Start Your Day

Leaving your comfort zone is a great way to start every morning. So face your fears before breakfast with the cold shower challenge.

I haven’t taken a hot shower for the last two years. Surviving a cold shower makes me think I can do everything every single time.

It’s a simple, but not an easy life hack :-)

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Face Your Fears Before Breakfast — Neil

Life Under Antarctica

This video offers a rare look at life beneath the frozen continent — where penguins, seals, and exotic creatures thrive. Wonderful pictures!

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Deepest Dive Under Antarctica Reveals a Shockingly Vibrant

Quote I Love

The biggest threat to your organization isn’t external competition, it’s internal culture. Shane Parrish — @farnamstreet

…and most companies don’t get it. “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. Focus on changing your company’s culture.

Talk to you next week, all!




Adam Egger

Helping with Innovation and Growth | Strategy and Innovation can be fun and simple | A minimalist living a good life.