Adam’s 5 Finds — Are You And Your Kids Ready For The Future?

Adam Egger
3 min readAug 4, 2017

Hi all,

Find below a few things to teach your kids to help them succeed in the future. Have fun reading and have fun teaching what you’ve learned (see why below).

Could you do me a favor? Please forward this newsletter to just one person that might be interested in reading things like these or tell me if you know someone who’d like to read my newsletter in German.

And thank you all for your feedback about last week’s newsletter. It means a lot to me!

Watch This One TED This Week!

“Is there something we can do, each of us, to be able to face the future without fear?”

Watch a Jewish rabbi presenting three ways we can move to a better world. Show this electrifying TED talk to people around you, to your kids and especially to people with radical views. Fantastic!

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Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks: How we can face the future without fear, together | TED Talk |

Important Future Skill: Learn How To Learn

Knowing how to learn is one of the most important skills in life. Learn how to learn from Richard Feynman — one of the greatest physicists who was able to explain the most difficult theories to a child.

According to most futurists this skill will become one of the most important things to be good at. The Feynman Technique is a method that helps you learn faster and increases retention. Read this article to supercharge your learning.

The feynman technique

The Feynman Technique: The Best Way to Learn

Difficult Things Simple

I’m a huge fan of lifelong learning, of permanently learning new things. Teaching kids to enjoy the process of learning is crucial in this fast-moving world where 50% of job titles didn’t exist just 10 years ago.

This super popular video of history of Japan (31.000.000 clicks!) is a beautiful example of how to teach something allegedly boring as the history of Japan to millions. ENJOY!


history of japan —

Ban Homework, Ask Kids to Read

This is hugely interesting. Studies found that homework in elementary school does not contribute to academic achievement. But experts say research is clear on the benefits of daily reading, with students picking their own books, reading aloud and listening to a fluent adult reader.

Marion County […] has decided to trade traditional homework for daily reading in the elementary school grades. While there are no definitive results, educators report that test scores and other learning has not suffered.

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Why this superintendent is banning homework — and asking kids to read instead — The Washington

Quote I Love

Other people don’t really care about us. We all dramatically overestimate how much people constantly judge us. They just don’t care.

Learn to cope with discomfort, teach your kids to be fine with discomfort. Exercise: Go up to the counter and order coffee, and then ask for 10% off. It’s an incredibly difficult but very helpful exercise!

Have a great week and now think about just one thing you’ve learned today,




Adam Egger

Helping with Innovation and Growth | Strategy and Innovation can be fun and simple | A minimalist living a good life.